Tour of Old Facades of Lavapies, Madrid
Event s img 20180511 wa0006  2018 11 19 19 27 10 utc

Tour of Old Facades of Lavapies, Madrid

Organizado por: El Arpa Media

Punto de encuentro: Metro Antón Martín. Lavapies Ver mapa Punto de encuentro: Metro Antón Martín. Lavapies

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Detalle del evento

Are you visiting Madrid and want to discover something new and unknown even to many locals?

Have you been living in Madrid for some time and walked its streets, but you have never stopped to think about the history behind its facades?

Are you a Spaniard who wants to practice their English in a different, fun way?

If so, this tour is for you!

Lavapies is one of the most typical neighbourhoods in Madrid, and it is home to a number of traditional shops with beautifully tiled facades, as well as new shops that have preserved the creative designs of former shops located in their premises.

These gorgeous facades, which often go unnoticed, speak of the people that lived in the neighbourhood, their history and ways of life, their passions.

Throughout this tour, we will not only unveil such secrets, but we will also give you the key to many more symbols, details, and mysteries of the Spanish capital.

Our meeting point will be outside Farmacia del Globo, in c/Atocha, 46 (Just as you exit Metro Antón Martín). There is a large hot air balloon on th wall, so you cannot miss it!

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