Dorothy Gong Wild
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Dorothy Gong Wild

Organizado por: John Allis

Catalunya. Carrer de Bruc, 55 Ver mapa Catalunya. Carrer de Bruc, 55

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Detalle del evento

Dorothy Gong Wild is BACK For the first time EVER in The Comedy Clubhouse - Barcelona's New Comedy Club.

Watch Barcelona's Best Comedians Battle Against Dorothy's Gong In The Hopes of Winning A Share Of Her Booty!

Comedians will be guaranteed 2 minutes on stage with which to win over the audience and the King Gong, after which they will be subject to The Gong should anyone be displeased with their performance.
**Opening Weekend Specials*
-FREE Welcome Cava
-2.50 Euro Beers
-3 Euro Craft Beers
-2.5 Euro Wine
-2 Euro Thunderbitch (if I can get it or something else)

8 Euro Early bird Tickets ***Until Thursday Nights***

10 Euro Entry - Limited to 24 Seats

Buy Tickets in Advance on Entradium

Discount for Groups of 4+
Featuring Comedy From:
Cameron Raw
Michael Rice
Victor Patrascan
Dr Matthew Murtha
& More

Hosted By John Allis

Doors 1:30/Show 2pm

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