The Greatest Showman - Amateur Adult Musical Theatre Production. Reserve now and pay at the door.

Black Box Theatre, IAB MAS ALBA. Carrer Pruelles, 6 - Mapa ikusi
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The Greatest Showman

An Amateur Adult Musical Theatre Production

Join us for an unforgettable evening as we bring The Greatest Showman to life in an amateur musical theatre production full of heart, music, and dazzling performances. Perfect for all ages, this show promises to inspire and entertain!


Ticket Price: €12.00 per person (applies to both adults and children).

Reserve now and pay at the door.

Accepted payment methods: Cash or card.

Important Information:

Admission is strictly by prior reservation.

Please ensure you bring your reservation confirmation on the day to gain entry.

Date & Time:

Friday, 13th December at 7:00 PM


Black Box Theatre

IAB Mas Alba Campus

C/ Pruelles 6, Sitges

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I loved the show. What an amazing group.
Katharina 2024/12/13 egunean joan zen
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