Sunny brunch@Yellow door
Event s brunch plate in cafe

Sunny brunch@Yellow door

Antolatzailea: The invitation

Yellow door. Carrer d'Aribau, Barcelona, España Mapa ikusi Yellow door. Carrer d'Aribau, Barcelona, España

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Gertaeraren xehetasuna

Join us for a sunny brunch at the Bohemian Gastro chic restaurant Yellow door located in the heart of Eixample. For the occasion the restaurant will reserve for us the tables located outside, so we'll be able to enjoy some nice weather.

Just for us the restaurant composed a special menu : 

Tost with avocado

- 1 Yellow Door Egg Benedict with smoked Salmon

- 1 Japanese Pancake (big) with marmelade, fruit and red fruits

- Bagel with Bacon and cheese

- Spinach and Green beans.

Drinks included: Juice or Cava/Vino/Vermuth and Coffee.

Special adjustments can be made for veggies/vegans or gluten intolerants upon previous request

Hope to see you all there


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