Les Ruines Circulaires - Théâtre Diagonale Performance
Event s captura de pantalla 2024 10 16 a las 10.46.44

Les Ruines Circulaires - Théâtre Diagonale Performance

Antolatzailea: Institute of the Arts Barcelona

Studio Theatre . Carrer Ramón Dalmases, 18 Mapa ikusi Studio Theatre . Carrer Ramón Dalmases, 18

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Informazio gehiago jasotzeko ekitaldiaren antolatzailearekin harremanetan jarri.

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Théâtre Diagonale

Interactive Performance-Installation

Drawing on fantastical narratives and science fiction,

this installation-performance offers a reflection on the fragility of our contemporary humanity in the age of emerging artificial intelligence and robotics.

It is a physical and sensory experience where two bare and fragile bodies confront the mechanical sophistication of a digital device.


Please note:

* Entry is not allowed once the performance begins. 

* Running Time: 50-minute performance

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