Event s scratch


Veranstaltet von: BIG Improv

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 Karte ansehen BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143

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Scratch Night is where the best, bravest, and budding improvisers try out their new shows and formats. It’s the ‘lucky dip’ of improv nights: brand new ensembles, duos, and solo acts throw their new material at the wall to see what sticks. An improvised narrative film noir rap opera? Sure. Laugh-fuelled, speed of light musical short form? Why not! Deep, philosophical slow burn scenes between animal friends? If you can dream it, it has a place on stage at Scratch Night.

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open

8.30pm Show Starts


10€ online presale

12€ on the door

*30% discount for current students of BIG!


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