Event s ruby rocket


Organitzat per: BIG Improv

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 Veure mapa BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143

Venda online tancada.

Per a més informació pregunti a l'organitzador de l'esdeveniment.

Les dades de l'organitzador estan a l'apartat "Organitzat per".

Detall de l'esdeveniment

Ruby Rocket is an intoxicating, intoxicated private eye who always gets her man. Except, of course, when she doesn’t. Stacey Hallal stars as Ruby, weaving vivid noir storytelling, physical comedy, and multimedia imagery in this hilarious improvised show featuring a rotating cast of top improvisers. Not to be missed! Visuals by Jon Timm.

Guest Staring Dominika Bakun, Matteo de Vos and Kiva Murphy

“Hallal’s strong improv skills and comedic timing take audiences on a ride where there’s no guessing what’s in store.” —Vue Weekly

“Hallal is a stage dynamo. Fast and fearless.” —Winnipeg Free Press

“She’s a genuine talent.” —The Oregonian

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open
8.30pm Show Starts

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